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Anthologie is a translation agency and design office specialised in technical translations and publications. Anthologie is the developper of my blog, offers writing and editing services and is responsible for many professional photos of my climbing adventures. Anthologie is based in Belgium, Riemstraat 18, B-2000 Antwerp, tel. +32 3 238 84 27, info@anthologie.be, www.anthologie.be
BVKB – Klimax Bergsportvereniging Klein-Brabant is the club that owns the climbing gym Klimax. The club also organizes and co-finances the training of elite competition climbers. Klimax offers substantial financial support for its best climbers who compete in international competitions. The club: www.bvkb.be, the climbing gym: www.klimax.be. BVKB is also the organizer of a World Cup heat in Puurs. The club has about 1400 members and the whole organization is managed by volunteers. www.worldcuppuurs.com
KBF The Flemish Federation “Klim en Bergsportfederatie” is the backbone of the Flemish speaking National Team. Together with the French speaking federation CAB, it takes care of the practical organization, administration, transport and accommodation for the national team at international competitions. Climbers are also financially supported and medal places rewarded. www.klimenbergsportfederatie.be