by Celine Cuypers | Nov 25, 2012
Busy Friday Afternoon Friday afternoon, my father drove Tijl, Liselotte, Julie, Anak and me to the airport of Charleroi to join the rest of the Belgian team. There was a lot of traffic, so we almost missed our plane to Kranj in Slovenia for the last European Youth Cup...
by Celine Cuypers | Aug 31, 2012
Met spanning keken we naar de livestreaming op IFSC-TV. Toen Jessica Pilz net voor Anak wist te toppen, werd de spanning nog groter. Anak, die op een stoeltje naast de muur zat met haar hoofd in haar handen, was erg zenuwachtig. Ze wist dat ze moest toppen en klom...
by Celine Cuypers | Aug 5, 2012
Happy Reunion It had been five weeks since we had seen each other. Most of us had spent some time on different rocks. I had been rock climbing in Rodellar, where I met up with Koen and Julie. I was looking forward to the competition in Imst. The Flemish team had a lot...
by Celine Cuypers | Jul 21, 2012
The Movie 2 AM, the Wednesday after the EYC in Linz, Austria, my dad woke us up to leave for Rodellar, Spain. Alan and papa took their turns at the steering wheel, while I and Iris slept on the back seat. By 8 PM, papa called mama to tell her that we were already...