Antwerp Sports Laureates
On Friday 16 May 2014, the Sports Laureates of the City of Antwerp were invited to 't Schoon Verdiep of the Antwerp city hall by Burgomaster Bart De Wever, Alderman of Sports Ludo Van Campenhout and Frans Van den Wyngaert (Sport Committee). Some 30 people from ages 15...

Easter 2014 at Santa Linya
The “high” lights: a big cave, hard routes, successes for all of us, sun, sun, sun and above all some amazing paragliding for a couple of hours, quietly soaring on the thermals all the way high up to the clouds followed by the vultures.

Belgian Youth Championship 2014
The day before the competition, I wasn’t nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. I had lost a bit confidence in myself, but after I was the only one to top the first selection, I wanted to win again. I was ready to give it my all.

Blueberry Hill
Blueberry Hill is a good hall for competitions, but maybe a bit too small. There was no big overhang. It was very well-organized, because for the first time it was finished on time. I was home around 9 pm.

A Second Place Ain’t Bad
It is good to be second, with Héllo first. She was so happy, when I came down and untied my knot. It was like one word could make a person happy or one movement. It only depended on the fact whether you clipped the quick-draw or not. It was a good and happy ending competition.

Sender One, Here I Come!!
Rocks, deserts, elks, mule deer, coyotes, big cars, big cokes, big pizzas, horseback riding and some climbing in the most amazing climbing gym ever.

Christmas Women’s Open 2013
Jaarlijkse boulderwedstrijd voor dames in City Lizard op 14 december 2013. De leukste vrouwenwedstrijd van het jaar.

Huldiging Europese bekerwinnaars op Vlaamse wijze
De Belgische en Vlaamse federaties nodigden het nationale jeugdwedstrijdteam uit op het After Summer Festival in Bornem. Het team zou in de bloemetjes worden gezet. Anak Verhoeven en Celine Cuypers kregen de bonussen voor hun medailles officiëel overhandigd. Maar nu komt de kat op de koord.

Hungaria!! – Belgian Championship Boulder
Very nervous for my first official boulder competition, eager to start my last attempt ten seconds before the end of the 4 minute maximum time given for each boulder, but I managed to solve all problems in the first attempt.