Salut, Suède
C’est mon premier article en français. Je ne suis pas aussi bien en français qu’en anglais, mais je vais essayer de faire de mon mieux. Dans cet article, je parle de mes vacances en Suède avec ma famille.

Poster Belgian Championship
The new retro poster for the upcoming Belgian Championship in Klimax. Kristof Dedecker searching for gold in Monument Climbing Valley. If you want one, go get one in Klimax! Photo and design by Peter Cuypers

Christmas Women’s Open 2014
At the Christmas Women’s Open in City Lizard, I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes, Christmas is all around me and so the feeling grows. In 2013, I grabbed the bronze bauble; in 2014, the silver, c’mon and let it snow.

In September 2014, I took part in the IFSC Climbing World Youth Championships in Nouméa, the capital of Nouvelle-Calédonie, a French overseas territory with special status north of New Zeeland and east of Australia.

3 Competitions in 3 Weeks
This summer, I, Celine Cuypers, have for the very first time competed in the adults competitions. I was so nervous and excited. I was going to warm up in the same room as Jain Kim, Magdalena Röck and many other very good climbers (including my friend Anak Verhoeven). I was so excited.

What It’s Like to Be a Fly
This year, Edinburgh hosted the European Lead Climbing Youth Championship. Suddenly the weekend became very busy with young people who all wanted to reach the top of the climbing arena without wings.

European Youth Cup Imst
This year, there is only one cup competition on the 2014 youth lead climbing calendar. It was held in Imst, Austria on the big white wall in the open. In the morning the holds were still freezing cold, but as soon as the sun broke through, the wall slowly started warming up…

Petzel Lead & Speed Championship
The Belgian Lead Senior Championship on Saturday 26 April 2014 was a fun competition. An utterly irresistible, warm, soft in the middle, chocolate moelleux boosted me up to the fastest speed.

BK Lead Junior 2014 – The Movie
The Belgian Climbing Championship Lead Junior 2014 video is finally out.