Welkom back to the blog
Let me tell you about myself. I’ve been following the rules for 25 years now. Though my path has not been the same as every other person, I did do everything as a normal person in society ought to do. I did primary school, secondary school, high school (of which a...
De familie Cuypers gaat op reis
IFSC Climbing World Cup Garage 2020
If you were supposed to compete any boulder competitions this season, than you know how it feels for all the competitions to have been cancelled this year. To make this better and to make other people my dad and I made a video to simulate a World Cup. I enjoyed making...

Recap of the Last 3 Years
In September 2017, I went to class again for the first time in 4 years (I was home schooled). I was super excited to start my new life and to get a degree. A lot happened that first year. I attended almost all my classes, except when I had to go to a competition....

A Little Trip around the Corner
You don't always have to go to the end of the world to find some adventurous new things to do. Sometimes you only have to go just around the corner for inspiration to hit you and let it take you down its road. Take a little peek at my adventure last weekend. I can say...

Climbing during Lockdown
When time at home becomes too much and you're supposed to be in Spain climbing on the rocks, a person tends to look for a state of mind that is almost the same. In my case, I used my imagination and created my own bouldering sector. Though the rocks are a little more...

Spartacus – First lady to finish
Schoolopdracht Dinsdag 1 mei 2018, Spartacus Run Boom. Maandagavond ben ik naar huis gegaan en op tijd gaan slapen. Ik was wel wat zenuwachtig. Ik was klaar, mijn zak met reservekleren was al gepakt. We zijn een uur en een half te vroeg in het Provinciaal...

100 euro in 17 seconden
Het begin van een traditie? Het Max Climbing Championship herbergt drie klimdisciplines in een wedstrijd, lead, speed en boulder. De deelnemers moesten kiezen tussen van deze drie wedstrijden. Ondanks de prijzenpot van 5000 euro was de opkomst iets lager...

Goud op de Deep Water Solo in Antwerpen
Wat een knaller! Celine wint eerste Deep Water Solo in Antwerpen. Op zaterdag 16 september 2017 een fantastische selectie geklommen en op zondag in een superspannende finale de overwinning in het water kunnen slepen. Een fantastische organisatie van Rocks in Town.